Monday, June 11, 2007

Layover in Amsterdam

Waiting for our flight to Moscow. We are having a cup of coffee in the KLM Royal Crown Lounge. Love this airport! People are so friendly here. We are a little sleepy..did not sleep to well on flight. Too excited!! 3400 miles down and 1500 to go to Moscow...Detroit Metro to Moscow Airport a total of 26 hours.


Bunny Brooks said...

i love sharing all your moments. kitties are just being brushed. tomorrow is the big day. cant wait to see pix. love you both Ma

alison said...

Hi Guys!
I love seeing all the pictures, and hearing the latest news! Thank you so much for sharing everything with us! We love you!
Alison, Mike, Madeline, and Danny

Sherry and Jeff said...

What fun to read your blog and see your pictography. Our thoughts are with you (come to think of it, wish we were with you too - always wanted to visit Russia). We know this adventure will be the most wonderful one you've shared yet! Anxious to hear your many stories; most anxious to see photo of your new family member.
Love and miss you,
Sherry and Jeff