Saturday, June 16, 2007

Back in Moscow

We arrived back in Moscow. Eugene was waiting at the airport to greet us. It was good to see our new friend again. Even though we were sad we had to leave our little one in Kemerovo (still not sure of what we are going to name him yet) we took great comfort in knowing he is getting great care there. It is such a different feeling on the way home than on the way here. We were so anxious and nervous on the flight over to Kemerovo, not knowing what to expect. Now we know him.. what he looks like..and getting used to the idea that one day soon he will be coming home with us. It was really happening after all this time!! So many years of waiting and praying to have a child of our own and now that day was here. I don't think it has set in yet..but we know the next 6-8 weeks are going to fly by and we will be back over here before we know it.
After Eugene drove us to our hotel to change, we went out in the city to explore. It was a beautiful day in Moscow!

The following images were taken at the Alexander Gardens. Designed by Osip Bove in 1821, these gardens are named after Tsar Alexander I, who presided over the restoration of the city, including the Kremlin, after the Napoleonic Wars.

The Cathedral of Christ the Redeemer. At one point the cathedral was the tallest building in Moscow, the gilded dome rising to a height of 338 ft dominating the skyline for miles around.

A vast statue of Peter the Great,completed in 1997 by Zurab Tsereteli, stands tall on the Moscow River.

The infamous headquarters of the KGB on Lubyanka Square.

A panoramic view of Moscow city at observation point in Sparrow Hills.

Moscow State University..or as David liked to call it MSU!!

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