Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Welcome to Moscow

Tuesday, June 12. We made it! It was a long flight..but a nice one. We were greeted right outside of customs by our driver, Eugene. He is very nice! He is a Detroit Red Wings fan! So he and David bonded immediately!! :) We made it to our hotel around 4:00 pm. We are staying at a Marriot close to the Red Square. It is a beautiful day, sunny mid 70's. We thought it would be a good idea to go for a walk around Red Square. Lots of people out and about. 12 million people live in Moscow!! It is a beautiful city! Red Square is packed with is a national holiday today, they tell us it is similar to 4th of July. It is a new holiday, started about 5 years ago, when they established their new Constitution. The statue is Marshal Georgiy Zhukov a hero from WWII and the red building behind us is the State Historical Museum at the far end of the Red Square, (There are more than 5 million exhibits inside). After about 5 miles of walking and a nice dinner and a few vodka and tonics. It was time for bed!! We couldn't believe we were still standing after 36 hours. We will check in soon. Tomorrow we are taking in the sights with Eugene before our flight to Kemerovo.

Доброй ночи - Good Night


Bill Denler said...

Довольный видеть Вы приземлились благополучно! Хорошее ожерелье! Нетерпеливое ожидание чтения длительных обновлений. Любовь, Билл

Love, Bill =)

Adlhoch said...

Easy on the vodka over there. Had a great neighborhood pool party at your home last night to celebrate Verlanders no-hitter!! Off to the airport to pick up Jenny and Sam. Thinking of you guys. Keep us posted.
Scott, Jenny, Sam, and Halsted Adlhoch.

Anonymous said...

Хорошо сказанный Билли! :-)
Столь взволнованный для Вас обоих!! Это является столь же особенным, как особенный мог когда-либо быть...

Adlhoch said...

I am so happy to see you guys over there, though I am finally home! Can't wait to see Baby Boo!!

Miss you Both.

celeste johns said...

Hope to see a picture of Baby Boo in your arms, and from your arms to our arms soon.
Keep Safe, Love


Tamara Benson Denler said...


Dear Barbara and David,

What a magical time this is for you two. Savor the special moments.

Fun to see the pictures from Russia. Can't wait to see pics of Baby Boo.

Our love and prayers are with you.

Safe travels.

xox Tammy and Dad/Bill

Anonymous said...

You both look so happy,even after such a long trip.Be safe and God bless you.