Friday, June 15, 2007


We are leaving Polysavo and heading back to Kemerovo. Below are a few photos from the Siberia region on the drive back from the orphange. When we arrived back in Kemerovo we had to fill out paperwork for the Department of Education in Moscow. It is quite the process, but we are trying to be patient and understanding of the steps we have to take when adopting in Russia. After that we took a walk around the city's main square made up of government offices, including the KGB regional offices and a large statue of Lenon. We have learned the Kemerovo region is the coal mining capital of Russia. Siberia has more combined natural resources than any where in the world. Tomorrow we fly back to Moscow...another plane ride can't wait!
p.s. the sun is still up, I don't think it ever gets dark here!!

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