Thursday, June 14, 2007

Arrive in Kemerovo

We finally made it to Kemerovo in Siberia, known as the capital of coal miners! We arrived at 6:00 am this morning and we have not slept in 24 hours. It was cold, dark and raining. David and I joked that with all these stops are baggage was going to end up somewhere in Siberia...we laughed and thought for once that is where we need it to go. We must have been slap happy! We are definitely exhausted, we have not really been able to sleep since we left Detroit. I think that was 3 days ago. We managed to get our bags and were greeted by our translator Svetlana and our driver Eugene (who drives like Dale Earnhardt). We arrived at our hotel, only to discover there was no HOT WATER!! The whole district was without hot water and was not going to have it up and running until the first week in July. At this point we were delirious and didn't really care, David of course trying to make me feel better said "it would be just like camping". However, Lana could sense I wasn't prepared to they drove us to another hotel outside the district. We have yet to see anyone in the streets... I was bit worried. We pulled into a building that looked like an office building, infact they do have offices on the first 3 floors. Our room was on the 4th elevators!! But we did have a shower with hot water. They dropped us off so we could take a nap and freshen up before we went to the baby house. However, we couldn't sleep, it was light out now and we were too anxious about meeting the little guy. In a few hours they were going to pick us up to take us to the baby house in Polysaevo, which is 2 hours away. We couldn't believe after all this time we were on our way to meet our little one!!

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