Thursday, June 14, 2007

Polysaevo Orphange

We arrived in Polysaevo, Dale (Eugene) Earnhardt got us there in an hour and a half! We met with the orphange director/doctor. She was a lovely Russian women, who didn't speak any english. Thank goodness, we had Lana, our translator with us. We discussed all the medical history and health of our child. She was very specific and made us feel at ease. You could tell she has a great love for these children and is concerned about their well being. The orphange was all a buzz with caretakers running about. They were having some work done on the outside and inside of the building, but in general it was very clean. Well it was time to meet little boo. Our next post will be photos of our son to be!!

Our driver Eugene.

David and Lana walking outside the baby house (desky dom).

The orphange play ground.

1 comment:

The Mighty Tuscan said...

We've been there many times, breaks your heart to not take all of them to a loving home doesn't it?