Thursday, June 14, 2007

Introducing our little boy!!!

We have been matched with an adorable little Russian boy, his given name is Maksim. He was born on August 29, 2006.
He is healthy little boy and oh so inquisitive at 9 1/2 months. He has blue eyes and light brown hair. He just woke up from a nap and was a little shy when they brought him into the room. He sort of checked us out and hung on to his caregiver (Tatyana). He was a little apprehensive meeting all these new people for the 1st time. It didn't take long before he was playing and having fun from all the attention! He is very strong and is sitting up, crawling and can pull himself up to stand. We were in the music room, where he likes to play with the instruments. He seems to like to play the drums..we know Uncle Bill will be anxious to teach him how to play. When David would make little noises, Maksim would focus and try to copy him. We spent two hours with him, even though he kept an eye out for Tatyana, he started to warm up to us. He even said dada!! We feel so fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to have him be apart of our lives. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. We are still thinking of a name for him..will update soon.


Tamara Benson Denler said...


Dear Barbara and David,

I am thrilled for you three. God does answer prayers.

GrandBaby Boo is beyond adorable!!

I have goosebumps, tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.

Our family looks forward to welcoming your sweet boy.

With love and great anticipation,

Grandma Tammy

Sherry and Jeff said...

Maksim has your haircut. He is darling; the three of you have such a wonderful new life to fill up.
Love you guys,
Sherry and Jeff