Friday, June 15, 2007

Day Two with Maksim

Today was a wonderful day with Maksim. We had a few hours again today to play with him. He was in good spirits!! He seemed to recognize us and feel more comfortable with us. He is so fun to watch!! Caregivers seem to really adore him...and so do we!! I showed them photos of his nursery at home and told them that David did the paintings of the animals...they of course want him to paint a mural at the baby house on our next trip here. The director was impressed with David's knowledge of the area and his great attempt at speaking Russian. We couldn't believe how quickly the time went .. it was time to leave again. Maksim smiled at us and waved goodbye, it was so hard to leave him, knowing it will be quite a few weeks until we return. But we take great comfort in knowing how well he is cared for by everyone at the baby house. The director and all the caregivers were all very kind to us and made us feel so welcome.

Maksim with one of his caregivers.

David with Naolezhda, she is the Director and Chief Pediatrician at the orphanage.


Anonymous said...

Barbara, your face says it all. I am so happy for you and David.
Boo is adorable.

Love Dee

celeste said...

Happy Fathers Day David. I have wanted to say that to you for so long. Thank you Barbara, you gave me that gift.
The baby is beautiful.



Tamara Benson Denler said...

Happy Father's Day to Big Boo aka David.

We are all thrilled for the three of you.

Next Mother's Day will be extra special for MaMa Boo, aka Barbara.

Love, Tammy and Bill/Dad

Sherry and Jeff said...

Dear Barbara, David and Maksim,

What wonderful news and photos! I am brought to tears of happiness for all of you. So looking forward to seeing you. Safe journey home dear friends.

Sherry and Jeff