Friday, September 14, 2007

U.S. Embassy

Last night we all slept better. Although, we are still adjusting to the time change.

We had a big day today. David, Maksim and I had to go to the U.S. Embassy to get our paperwork in order before we get to go home. It was cold and rainy today, not a great day. Gramie stayed and read, while we went to do our business. Daniel picked us up and drove us to the Embassy. After several security checks we went inside for our appointment. There were other families there as well. Maksim had a ball watching and playing with all the other children. He loves meeting new people. Several of the other familes were commenting how outgoing he was. Could this be? Our shy little boy only a few days ago. He was running all over the place to say hello to everyone. While we were waiting, he befriended a little girl and he shared his toys with her. It was so sweet! You are not allowed any cameras on the premises. So unfortunately, no photos from today...sorry :(

We came back to the hotel and Maksim had a nice long nap. We then all had dinner in the dining room at the hotel, since the weather was not cooperating.

Another busy day for our little man.


Anonymous said...

This is all so exciting. I am always rushing to my computer to catch up on all the lastest news. Tell Gramie she looks so happy feeding her new grandson.
Love to all of you.

Susan said...

You all look soooo happy!! Maksim is the most adorable and seems so good and ajusting so well!! Bunny, what a thrill for you! We can't wait until you arer all home, but in the meantime, this blog is fabulous!!!XXXXXSusan