Sunday, September 23, 2007

A Wonderful Welcome Home

The first couple of days at home have been wonderful. Maksim has adapted beautifully to his new environment, family, friends, pets, food, his bed, basically everything. All the things David and I worried about...have been non existent.

He loved meeting all his Grandparents, Aunt and Uncle, Great Aunts and Uncles, Great Great Aunts, Cousins, neighbors, and friends. He is adjusting so well. We are amazed! We feel so fortunate. After all this time, David and I keep pinching ourselves...we can't believe he is finally here!!

P.S. Thanks to all our friends who have dropped off all the wonderful dinners, goodies, fruit basket, and balloons. What a wonderful surprise and such a warm welcome when we arrived home.

When Maksim takes his nap... Joey and Buddy take full advantage of the time to get their naps in as well.

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