Monday, September 10, 2007

Our Day in Court

Hi's me, Maksim. Gramie is helping me by typing this note.
Today is the big day! The day Mommy and Daddy go to court to ask the judge if it would be okay to take me home.

Svetlana said I couldn't go but Gramie said she would tuck me into her heart so I could be apart of it. So, off we all went. Daddy was so handsome in his suit and tie and if I do say so myself, Mommy looked beautiful.

Everyone was a little nervous. Especially knowing we had the toughest prosecutor in court.

The judge was talking so fast in Russian and Svetlana was telling us what she was saying. Neither of them ever took a pause. Whew, I was getting exhausted. Then, it was Daddy's turn to speak. When the judge asked why he wanted to adopt me he said "my wife and I have a very happy marriage and a happy home but to have a child would make our life complete"...he said more but Gramie was tearing up and we both just loved him for what he said. Then it was Mommy's turn. After the judge asked her several questions she said "Each time we go visit Maksim, we love him more and more and know that he is the right child for us. We are anxious to get him home as soon as possible to make sure he is healthy and that we can be a happy family". After hearing them talk to the judge, I was so proud of them.

Then we all had to wait out in the hall to see if the judge says okay plus waive the 10 day waiting period. I wasn't nervous, but I think Mommy and Daddy were a little nervous.

Would you believe...after just a few minutes they called us back in to the court. The judge said that I am now Maksim David and they are waiving the 10 day waiting period. We now can leave Siberia and begin our life together. The judge also added that Mommy and Daddy are such good people, she wishes they would've adopted more children. Hey, wait a minute...I thought this was all about me!!!


Jane and Jim said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you that the 10 days was waived. Now, go bring that boy home!

Shane & Marie said...

I stumbled upon your blog awhile back and have been following your journey. Congratulations on your court and officially becoming a daddy and mommy. I wish your family the best!


Sherry and Jeff said...

This had to have been your most daunting day yet. We are so glad to know the "system" finally made it quick and you now are officially parents to Maksim David Johns!
Safe journey home, dear friends.