Thursday, September 13, 2007

Captain Vacation

We made it through the 2nd night! Well barely...none of us slept because of you know who!! he is not perfect..pretty normal actually. Because of the time change...all of us had sleep of us cried just a little louder! Thank goodness for Gramie, she came right in to the living room and helped rock him back to sleep. It has been so nice having her here!! Nothing like having an experienced mom when you are a new mom. Today we had a break from all the adoption appointments. Which was just as well. David was starting to get a cold and our little guy was worn out!
While David and Maksim napped, Mom and I went out for some retail therapy. Yeah shopping! Sorry John. It was nice to get out for awhile. We went down to Arabat street. Where they have lots of souvenier shops and local artist selling goods in the streets. We came back to find David and Maksim awake from their naps and David was feeding Maksim his lunch. He even changed him! What a good daddy!! It was still pretty cold and damp outside. So we just had a pretty quiet afternoon. Until tomorrow.

Gramie entertains Maksim while he is waiting for his breakfast.

A little play time with Dad.

A nap is needed with Mr. Giraffe.

Dad introduces Maksim to black and white movies.

Uh Oh... now he is hooked.

He loves bath time...splashing about!

Quiet reading time with Mommy.

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