Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our First Evening Together

We are back at the hotel, crib set up and toys everywhere. Yep, definitely parents to a 1 year old. While David had to pick up some paperwork, my Mom and I took Maksim for a walk to the central square. Maksim loved the fountain, watching the birds and seeing all the other kids out with their families. Mom said," just think this is the 1st time he has seen all these new things". We were a little worried because he was so shy and somewhat frightened of new people and change at the orphanage. It didn't even phase him. He loved the experience and all ready was happy to be in our arms. We met David and had dinner at E-Moes, a restaurant we frequented often. Then it was time for bath, storytime and bed. He didn't cry once. He went right to bed and slept thru the night. He was so good! However, I didn't get much sleep, knowing we had to get up at 5 am to catch our flight to Moscow. Yep, definitely a mom now.

Maksim was such a good little boy. We woke him up early and he was all smiles. He was ready for his big adventure. By 6 am we had our bags packed and ready for our ride to the airport. Not a peep from our little one just smiles. We arrived at the Kemerovo airport, checked in and climbed aboard. It was as if Maksim already new about travel and was an international jet setter. Again, not a peep nothing but smiles and giggles on my lap. He had little breakfast then he snuggled with Gramie and fell asleep.

4 time zones later we arrived in Moscow. We were met by our old friend Eugene at the airport. We then drove to our doctor's appointment, which we need for the US Embassy in order to fly him to the states. It took us three hours due to traffic. That is one thing about Moscow...traffic. It is very busy! After the doctor gave him the a.o.k. we drove to our hotel. Finally we could get him settled. What a day! However, he was so good I was amazed how well he handled everything, he didn't cry at all. Such a good little boy. Although, we were all exhausted...lots of travel. Until tomorrow.

p.s. Thank you Deb for the musical giraffe. It is his favorite to cuddle with at night. He winds it himself and finds it very comforting! Thank you..Thank you!!!

1 comment:

Sherry and Jeff said...

It would appear that Maksim has made the transition for you as new parents very painless, and created all at once a happy, loving family. Way to go, Maksim!
Everyone "state side" are anxiously awaiting your return.
Love you guys,
Sherry and Jeff

p.s. Barbara, the Boys are doing fine; they are so much fun to watch. We are all taking good care of them; not to worry.