Monday, September 24, 2007

Maksim's First Trip to the Park

It was a gorgeous day today! So Mom (Bunny) and I took Maksim for a walk down to the park. It was a beautiful sunny fall day :) He enjoyed watching the boats go by, walking on the boardwalk, playing in the grass, and putting his feet in the splash pad. He was laughing the whole time. Just didn't want to be held too much, quite the little walker...just wanted to go go go!!! He had a blast!!!


Jane and Jim said...

Hi David and Barbara- Maksim looks right at home and is tooo cute for words!

Bunny Brooks said...

I miss his little toes already....and everything else about him. I was thrilled to be part of his new life. love, Gramie

Tamara Benson Denler said...

October 1,2007

Barbara and David,

Love the photos of Maksim at the park. The uppermost pic is beyond adorable! Barbara, you are terriic with a camera, always capturing the perfect shot.

We so enjoyed our visits with you three and also with Grandma and Grandpa Johns, in town from Florida, and Jennifer.

See you later this week.

Lots of love,
Nana and Pops aka Tammy and Bill