Saturday, September 8, 2007

2nd Day in Kemerovo

It is Saturday here in Kemerovo. It is cool and a bit overcast. We had breakfast in the hotel restaurant. We definitely had an upgrade in our hotel since we were here last. There were several Brandi teams that were staying at our hotel as well. (Brandi is like hockey, played on ice, but with a ball and a shorter curved stick). Svetlana and Eugene picked us up at 9 am to go back out to the orphanage to visit with Maksim for a couple of hours. We had a great day with him! He was very alert and we all had fun playing together. He is just as sweet as ever!! We can't believe how he has grown just a little bit taller since last saw him. He has 8 teeth...4 on top and and 4 on bottom. The doctor said he is starting to get his molars too. So a little bit of teething! Today I was able to feed him. We couldn't believe the tray they brought in with all the food for him. He is definitely well fed here. He is so inquisitive, every time David does something Maksim copies him. He is a quick study. We also took him him for a little walk outside. Although you can't tell from the photos, he is walking all by himself. Here are a few photos of our day with Mr. Maksim.

1 comment:

Jane and Jim said...

Your little guy is sooooo adorable!