Sunday, August 12, 2007

We are Still Waiting...

We are still waiting to hear about our court date in Kemerovo. As soon as that date is scheduled, we then can make our travel plans to return to Russia to pick up our son. This is all part of the adoption process in Russia. Unfortunately we have no control, it depends where we fall in the court schedule. After you send your dossier in to be translated, a court date is assigned for the adoptive family to meet with a judge in the region from which you are adopting. The judge then makes the decision based on all the information you have submitted.

We keep hoping that every time the phone rings it might be news about when we will be able to return to Russia to pick up our son. The waiting has been getting more and more difficult every day. There isn't a day that goes by that we are not thinking about our little boy. Wondering how he is doing..if he is walking yet or how much he has grown.

We haven't been given any new information about him, since we last saw him in June. Although we are trying to be patient, I have to say the waiting is the hardest part. Until then we just wait and dream about the day when we have him home with us.

Everyone has been so supportive and we can't tell how much that means to us. Thank you so much to our family, friends and coworkers for all your support through out our adoption journey. We can't believe after waiting so long our prayers have finally being answered. We can't wait for the new chapter to begin!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

David & Barbara:

Hope all is well
Wonderful football scores right Barbara?