Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...

Happy Birthday Dear Maksim... Happy 1st Birthday to you!! It won't be much longer...we are counting the days until we get to see you again !! We can't wait to share a piece of birthday cake with you. Happy Birthday darling little boy!

p.s. Your Gramie (Bunny) is also coming with us to Russia to help meet every one of your needs :) She is quite the expert in motherhood. She has had lots of experience in that department! So we are very happy she will be there to share in our first moments of becoming a family.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday,Maksim!!!
Barbara and David,I am soooo excited and happy for you. I know how hard the wait can be.

Gramie (Bunny) will get a chance to start spoiling from the get go. I can't wait to meet Maksim myself.

Love to all of you,

John-C, Carol, Scott, and Jack said...

Happy First Birthday. What a great present, two loving parents. It doesn't get better than that.

erika said...

Happy 1st Birthday Maksim! Your parents are so happy to celebrate this special day with you. Have a safe trip back to your new home.

Love your friend in NY-