Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pictures from our Florida Vacation


Christen L said...

Just found your blog through a friend. We're originally from Michigan and now living in Grand Cayman, where I attend medical school and my husband, Frank, works for KPMG as a Tax Accountant. (Okay that was the biggest run on sentence ever.) Anyway, we're starting a Russian adoption at the end of the year when we move back to the US.

I was wondering if you would mind sharing what kind of camera you use. Your pictures are great!

Barbara and David said...

Thanks, it helps having a fun little subject!
Depending on the situation I use either my Canon PowerShot digital ELPH or my Canon EOS 30D digital SLR camera.
Good luck with medical school and your adoption.

Jane and Jim said...

So handsome, happy and healthy! you are so blessed, he's beautiful.

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