Saturday, January 5, 2008

One Hot Day!!

Maksim gets a little relief from the heat when he discovers the cool mist from the hose.

Maksim decides to help Gramie wash the plants outside to escape the heat in Florida.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas in Florida

What a special Christmas we had in Florida with Maksim. It was a wonderful vacation with Gramie,Papa,Grandma and Grandpa,Uncle Bill and Aunt Laurie. He was in heaven, with all the attention on him. He loved every minute of it! He went swimming in the pool every day, running and playing on the golf course, and went to the beach for the first time. The weather was just perfect...warm and sunny. Maksim had so much fun running around barefoot. Thank you Mom and John for being such wonderful hosts. We had a great time!!

We had so much to be excited about this Christmas. Not only were we celebrating Maksim's first Christmas. We celebrated Bill(Barbara's Brother) and Laurie's engagement. Bill surprised Laurie with a ring a few days before Christmas!
Congratulations and Best Wishes to you both! We are thrilled for you. We can't wait for the big day!
