Monday, November 26, 2007

Maksim's First Pony Ride

The week of Thanksgiving we went over to the Hunt Club to visit the Budweiser Clydesdales that were in town for the Detroit Thanksgiving Day Parade. Maksim loved seeing all the beautiful horses. He also had the opportunity to have his first pony ride in the ring. Here are a few photos from the night. Unfortuntately, mom missed a great photo op of Maksim with one of the Clydesdale horses. Sorry!!
p.s. A special note to David Stoecklein
We are getting him ready to come out to the ranch. So you can show him how to be a real cowboy!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We have so much to be thankful for every year...but especially this year. We feel so fortunate to have this little boy in our lives. He makes our little family complete. We love him more and more everyday. We are truly blessed.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hope your day is filled with love, laughter and you are with the ones you love.

A few photos from Maksim's First Thanksgiving. We celebrated and had our turkey dinner at the Country Club with Grandpa, Nana, Aunt SuSu and Uncle Dan. Maksim of course loved the turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and yams, although wasn't a big fan of pumpkin pie, but loves pumpkin bread...go figure. After a big dinner he ran around greeting all the other guests. Then went bowling at the club with his buddy Sam Adlhoch. I think someone is going to sleep well tonight!! Maksim too :)

What happened to seconds?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

An Autumn Day

We are enjoying these last days of fall in Michigan. It is such a gorgeous time of the year, the leaves are all golden and crimson.

Even though it was a bit chilly, Maksim wanted to help his daddy with the leaves. Well, he mostly just wanted to play in the leaves.

Thanks Maksim and Daddy for raking all those leaves!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Let's Go Red Wings!!!

Another fun day being Maksim's Mom!! Our dear friends, the Brennan's, were kind enough to invite us for a private tour of the Red Wings locker room. We had such a fun evening watching the kids run around and try on the players jerseys and helmets. They had a ball!! Thanks Kathy, John, Joseph and Riley for including us.