Sunday, July 15, 2007

We finished our Dossier

Well we have completed our Dossier paperwork. Sent it to Russia to be translated and we are awaiting our court date.
So besides getting fingerprinted by our Local Police, Michigan State Police, Homeland Security and the FBI, all the doctors appointments, letters from friends and employers, supplying our marriage license, birth certificates, photos of our house, family and neighborhood, passports, visas, deed to our home, tax forms, online seminars and homestudy with social worker and multiple trips to the notary and secretary of state to get it all apostilled.
Piece of Cake!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


It's official! We have decided on his name. Maksim David. His given name is Maksim which we love and have decided to keep. It means "The Greatest" and we couldn't agree more..he is the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. His middle name David is after his father and grandfather. A tradition that will continue on in the family. We are so excited! We can't wait for the day when we can finally bring him home!!